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Total of the registered participants —13.

 Surname Name Middle name:    <  >  E-mail:  Position:    <  >  Academic degree:    <  >  Rank:    <  >  Work place:    <  >  Area of the scientific knowledge supervised by the member of the editorial board:
Yuri Teretievich Panov tpp_vlgu@mail.ru Dean, head of chair Professor in the field of Technical Sciences Professor Vladimir State University porous system on the basis of polymers, processing of polymers and compositions
Vladimir Nikolaevich Popok vnpopok@mail.ru
Vladimir Vladimirovich Pankonin vposkonin@mail.ru Head of department Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Assistant Professor Kuban State University of Technology reaction of catalytic peroxide oxidation of furan compounds, methods of synthesis of functionally substituted furans, hydrofuran, carboxylic acids and their derivatives on the basis of these reactions and their products.
Alexey Nikolaevich Pestryakov pestryakov@tpu.ru Professor Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University physical chemistry, catalysis, nanotechnology
Peter Petrovich Purygin puryginpp2002@mail.ru Head of department Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Samara State University peptides, adamantane, antiviral activity
Evgenii Aleksandrovich Polenov epolenov@mail.ru Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Moscow state Academy of fine chemical technology n. a. M. V. Lomonosov (MITHT) physical chemistry, EPR spectroscopy and quantum chemistry of free radicals
Oleg Haimovich Polishchuk poleshch@tspu.edu.ru Head of department Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Tomsk State Pedagogical University quantum chemistry, coordination chemistry
Alexey Alexeyevich Potapov aleksey.potapov.icc@gmail.com Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor the phenomenon of polarization and processes of interaction of matter and electromagnetic fields; properties and electronic structure of solids; the nature and mechanisms of interatomic and intermolecular interaction
Evgeny Yrievich Pankratyev evgeniy@pankratyev.com

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