English-Russian Chemical Journal
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The application of journal is not yet available to the search engine of the portal and presented prior to 2004 , the only DVD-version of the journal “Chemistry and Computational Simulation. Butlerov Communications”, the successor of which is our updated journal. However, in the foreseeable future of the app journal for all years will also become available.

DVD version of the journal that contains the application, currently available only for registered users, so if you want to view the journal application, you must complete initial registration or to login and then go to the appropriate section:

DVD-version of the journal
“Chemistry and Computational Simulation. Butlerov Communications.”

Attention! In the future for registered users will be available the service of e-mail messages about the journal news, it updates and changes on the forums of the Internet-conferences as they become available.


After some time, the Internet version of the journal and the DVD version of the journal will be available by subscription only.


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