Journal Butlerov Communications

English-Russian Chemical Journal
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Butlerov Scientific Foundaton

The electronic resource of our journal soon will switch to a new mode of operation. Free access to full-text articles of the Journal Butlerov Communications will be available only to employees of organizations that have subscribed to the printed or electronic version of the journal. Access to full-text articles also will be available to members of the Editorial board of the journal and individual researchers (at the discretion of the editor) on request. For other visitors of the site will be given free access to article abstracts, and wishing to download specific full-text Russian version of the article will have to pay 200 rubles or $30 – for English version. The authors of articles who wish to make their article available on our website for everyone, regardless of subscription, can pay for the service golden access, which costs 2 thousand rubles.

========================================================   24.11.2015


We provide two options to purchase the printed volumes of the Journal Butlerov Communications:
1) via an advance payment, i.e. registration of the subscription; and
2) via the purchase of already issued annual sets.

In view of the fact that the Journal Butlerov Communications is the official publication organ of Butlerov Scientific Foundation (BSF), which also delegated the right to legally represent the interests of the journal, the subscribers not from Russian organizations or subscribers not from the CIS countries can perform financial transaction in US $ on the foreign currency account BSF (BSF bank account (for international transfers in $) in the JPMorgan Chase Bank NA can be provided upon request by E-mail: For such subscribers the cost of the annual Russian volumes is $ 1,300 or the cost of the English version of the journal is 1800 $. As part of this subscription, the subscriber is also granted full access to the internet version of journal, and to do this they need to inform us about their IP address of terminals. In addition, all foreign organizations and individuals that have implemented a voluntary charitable donation to the Butlerov Scientific Foundation on the Target program "Development and support of the Journal "Butlerov Communications" in the amount of not less than 1300$ or 1800 $, the annual complete set of the printed version of the journal in Russian or respectively English free of charge (you can detailing by E-mail: the year for which you want to receive the journal and yours address for delivery). Payment order should correctly write the purpose of payment: Voluntary charitable donation to the Target program "Development and support of the Journal "Butlerov Communications". Not subject to VAT.

Attention! Purchase of journal at Russian cost and reselling it abroad without our written consent is subject to the law on copyright and will be prosecuted by law.

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Journal "Butlerov Communications" is scientific publishing quite specific interests of the scientific community – scientists, members of the editorial board of the journal, the participants of the Butlerov Scientific Foundation (any researcher can become a participant of the BSF), researchers working in organizations which are founders of the journal (founders are obliged actively participate in the activities of the BSF), and in other organizations who have the annual subscription to the journal. For researchers of this scientific community is guaranteed rapid publication of papers (within 2 weeks) in compliance with all academic standards!

The articles of all other researchers who are not members of our scientific community are also accepted for publication for free, but they are processed after the articles of researchers of our community, that is, they are not published promptly.

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The Journal Butlerov Communications is the non departmental, a unique inter-University, academically oriented publishing project.

Legal founder of the Journal Butlerov Communications is “Innovation Publishing House “Butlerov Heritage” Ltd.

The journal is the official organ of Butlerov Scientific Foundation (BSF) which also delegated the right to legally represent the interests of the journal.

Organizationally, in the journal there is the Institute of co-founder in which the co-founder signed a Contract or Agreement about scientific-technical, innovative and scientific publishing cooperation that enables to represent of the interests of each co-founder. The basis for the functioning of the journal is based on the principle of collective decision making.

The staffing and quantity of the co-founders of the journal changes every year depending on the willingness of universities and scientific organizations to support the journal and the Butlerov Scientific Foundation.

In 2015, the co-founders of the journal are:
1. Buryat State University,
2. All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Biological Industry,
3. Ivanovo State University,
4. Kemerovo State University,
5. Public Organization of the Tatarstan’s Republican Society of Chemistry named after D.I. Mendeleev,
6. Department “Physical-chemical biology and innovations” Russian Academy of natural Sciences,
7. Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy,
8. Perm National Research Polytechnic University,
9. Russian State University of Petrolium and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin,
10. Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev,
11. Samara State Technical University,
12. Samara State University,
13. St.-Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy,
14. Saratov State University,
15. National Research Tomsk State University,
16. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University,
17. Tula State University,
18. Federal State Enterprise “Research Institute of Chemical Products” (Kazan),
19. Chelyabinsk State University,
20. The Department of information of the Center of new information technologies of the Kazan National Research Technological University (actively facilitated and published journal).

========================================================  24.11.2015


The journal Butlerov Communications actively creating the English version Internet portal of the journal and plans on becoming one of international scientific information databases (Chemical Abstracts, etc.) and to organize the participation of foreign scientists in the activities of the Editorial board of the journal. Request to all supporters to help in the implementation of this plan.

========================================================   19.10.2015


Butlerov Scientific Foundation formed on 5 August 2013 and aims to really help for researchers and scientific organizations to implement their research projects in the field of chemical, biochemical (including pharmacology, genetics, gerontology, etc.), physical sciences, as well as innovative and highly specialized instrumentation, laboratory and production technology, information technology, artificial intelligence and related fields of knowledge and activity.

The founders of BSF are: Public organization “Tatarstan’s republican chemical society named after D.I. Mendeleev” and Innovation Publishing House «Butlerov Heritage» Ltd. Journal Butlerov Communications is the official publishing organ of the Foundation. Web portal BSF –

BSF bank account (for international transfers in $) in the JPMorgan Chase Bank NA can be provided upon request by E-mail: BSF bank account (for Russian domestic transfers in rubles) presented in the Russian version of this page.

One of the target programs of the Butlerov Scientific Foundation is "Development and support of the Journal Butlerov Communications”, so you can support our journal through charitable monetary contribution. It is necessary correctly to write purpose of payment in the bill: Voluntary charitable donation to help the research publishing activities of the Journal Butlerov Communications from (name). Not subject to VAT.

Other target programs of BSF also presented on its official web portal –

========================================================  19.10.2015


Please note that the editors of the journal also accepts articles in English from the authors that do not speak Russian.

The authors of the article published in the Russian language remains an obligation to send us a full text English translation of his article for 1 month. Without this commitment we do not publish the article! Translations must be done with the final editing of the Russian version of the article (not your initial or intermediate versions) to be downloaded from the website of the journal in format .doc, with a request to comply with adopted the article format.

========================================================  19.10.2015


Butlerov Scientific Foundation (BSF) together with other organizers successfully held 17-22 may 2015 in Kazan International Scientific Forum “Butlerov Heritage – 2015” (BH-2015) and the Journal Butlerov Communications (the official publishing organ of the BSF) published the full text articles on the materials of reports of participants in Vol.40-43.
Journal Butlerov Communications and the Butlerov Scientific Foundation was one of the organizers of the XX all-Russian conference of Yalchik-2013 “Structure and dynamics of molecular systems” which was successfully held 24-29 June 2013 on the basis of the rest house at the lake Yalchik, Republic of Mari El.
According to the materials of the conference formed two journal issues: No. 7 and 8 (Vol. 35, 2013) with full-text articles of the conference participants. Thank you all for your cooperation!
Journal Butlerov Communications together with co-founders and other organizations, successfully held may 15-20, 2011 in Kazan All-Russian Working Chemical Conference “Butlerov Heritage-2011”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Journal Butlerov Communications and year of chemist. The conference organizing Committee thanks all participants for the fruitful work!   19.10.2015


Butlerov Scientific Foundation, Republican Chemical Society Named After D.I. Mendeleev of Tatarstan, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Public Joint-Stock Company “Tatneftekhiminvest-holding”, Ufa Scientific Center of RAS, Federal State Enterprise “State Scientific-Research Institute of Chemical Products", Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan State Power Engineering University and several other universities successfully conducted INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC FORUM “BUTLEROV HERITAGE – 2015” (BH-2015), dedicated to the anniversaries of prominent representatives of the Kazan chemical school, the students of A.M. Butlerov, V.V. Markovnikov and A.A. Albicore, E.E. Wagner, E.I. Orlova, A.N. Popova, S.N. Reformed, A.E. Favorskiy, as well as the 15th anniversary of the Journal Butlerov Communications.

Detailed information on the activities BH-2015 available at the official portal at:   19.10.2015


In connection with his departure from life (April, 25. 2013) outstanding organic chemist Genrikh Aleksandrovich Tolstikov, the Journal Butlerov Communications and Butlerov Scientific Foundation expresses sincere condolences to his family and friends, as well as representatives of the chemical community who are fortunate enough to work with Heinrich Alexandrovich.

We are immensely grateful to him for his selfless support of the Journal Butlerov Communications, where he was an honorary member of the Editorial board, and Butlerov Scientific Foundation in which he gave his consent to the establishment of a Scientific prize in his name.

Our scientific community will always appreciate and remember him as one of the best scientists and organizers of science!   19.10.2015

Order of the novelties of boocks and free publishing of the books! On the portal of Butlerov Scientific Foundation it is possible to fill the application form for the publishing of your book through your publishers as well as to order and to buy the novelties of boocks!

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