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Full members of the editorial board - Reviewers

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А  Б  В  Г  Д  Е  Ж  З  И  Й  К  Л  М  Н  О  П  Р  С  Т  У  Ф  Х  Ц  Ч  Ш  Щ  Ъ  Ы  Ь  Э  Ю  Я  

Total of the registered participants —195.

 Surname Name Middle name:    <  >  E-mail:  Position:    <  >  Academic degree:    <  >  Rank:    <  >  Work place:    <  >  Area of the scientific knowledge supervised by the member of the editorial board:
George Georgievich Abashev g.g.abashev@mail.ru Нead of the laboratory Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Natural Scientific Institute at Perm State University The synthesis, electrochemical growth of single crystals and investigation of low-dimensional organic conductors and superconductors
Alexander Yurievich Alentiev Alentiev1963@mail.ru Leading scientific researcher Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, RAS. Gas separation membranes, polymer nanocomposite materials, organometallic skeleton compounds
Valery Anatolievich Alferov chem@tsu.tula.ru Head of department, Dean of chemical faculty Ph.D. in the field of Chemistry Assistant Professor Tula State University Principles of functioning of enzyme systems of bacterial cells, the development of biosensors
Genrikh Naumovich Altshuler altshulerh@gmail.com Chief of laboratory Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry , Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Supramolecular chemistry of polymers, thermodynamics and kinetics of ion exchange processes
Aleksandr Vladimirovich Anisimov sulfur45@mail.ru Professor Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Chemistry of organic sulfur compounds, petroleum chemistry, supramolecular chemistry
Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Anisimova nadia-an@mail.ru Professor Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen Cycloaddition reactions, chemistry of heterocyclic compounds and nitroalkenes, organometallic chemistry
Igor Sergeevich Antipin iantipin54@yandex.ru Head of the department Ph.D. in the field of Chemistry Corresponding member of RAS Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry named after A.E. Arbuzov. RAS.
Renat Maratovich Akhmadullin ahmadullinr@gmail.com
Tamara Yakovlevna Ashikhmina ecolab2@gmail.com Head of the department Professor in the field of Technical Sciences Professor Vyatka State University of Humanities Chemistry of organoelement compounds, synthesis of elastomers
William Petrovich Barabanov membrana@kstu.ru Professor Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Kazan National Research Technological University Physical and colloid chemistry
Alexander Vasilievich Belik belik@csu.ru Head of department Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Chelyabinsk State University Computational and quantum chemistry, QSAR problems
Elena Kimovna Beloglazkina bel@org.chem.msu.ru Professor Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Moscow Sate University named after M.V. Lomonosov Synthesis and reactivity of nitrogen- and sulphur-containing compounds, organic ligands, coordination chemistry, nanomaterials
Sergey Leonidovich Belopukhov belopuhov@mail.ru Head of department of physical and organic chemistry Professor in the field of Agricultural Sciences Professor Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev Physiology and biochemistry of plants, a nuclear-physical analysis methods, growth regulators and plant development
Dmitry Vladimirovich Belykh belykh-dv@mail.ru Senior researcher Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Assistant Professor Institute of Chemistry Komi Scientific Centre. Ural Branch of RAS. Chemistry of natural and synthetic porphyrins
Nikolay Borisovich Berezin berezin@kstu.ru Professor Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Kazan State University Technology electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering, corrosion and protection against corrosion
Konstantin Viktorovich Bozhenko kbogenko@mail.ru Leading researcher Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics. RAS. Quantum chemistry
Anatoly Kuzmich Brel brelak@yandex.ru Head of the department Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Volgograd State Medical University Study of the method of synthesis of biologically active compounds containing nitrogen or phosphorus. Development of methods of phosphorylation of unsaturated free radical compounds and based on them obtained phosphorylated derivatives of amino acids. The study of methods for the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds uracil, thymine, cytosine, adenine and guanine. The study of the synthesized compounds showed that they have severe cardiovascular, psychotropic, antiviral, antibacterial activity and reverse transcriptase inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Herman Konstantinovich Budnikov Herman.Budnikov@ksu.ru Professor Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Kazan State University
Yulia Germanovna Budnikova yulia@iopc.ru Head of laboratory Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Without Academic Rank Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry named after A.E. Arbuzov Kazan scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Laboratorial and experimental experience in organic and physical chemistry, electrochemistry, electrosynthesis, electrocatalytic phenomena, organometallic chemistry, catalysis, metal complexes, green chemistry.
Farid Abdullovich Valeev valeev@anrb.ru Scientific secretary, head of laboratory Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Institute of Organic Chemistry. Ufa Scientific Center RAS. Organic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry
Vladimir Trofimovich Varlamov varlamov@icp.ac.ru Head of laboratory Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Without Academic Rank Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics. RAS. Chemistry of organic radicals, reactivity, kinetics
Vladimir Ivanovich Vereshchagin vver@tpu.ru 0 Professor in the field of Technical Sciences Professor Tomsk Polytechnic University Chemistry and technology of silicate and refractory nonmetallic materials. Physicochemistry of solids.
Vladimir Ilyich Vigdorovich vits21@mail.ru Professor Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Tambov State Technical University Electrochemistry the corrosion of metals, nanomaterialien, chemical problems of ecology
Lyudmila Viktorovna Virzum virzum@list.ru
Vladimir Vasilievich Volkhin vvv@purec.pstu.ac.ru Head of the department Professor in the field of Chemical Sciences Professor Perm national research Polytechnic University Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances

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